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Contact us for seamless link and QR code generation services. Our platform offers easy-to-use tools to create and manage custom links and QR codes for any purpose. Reach out for support or to learn more about our features!

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Looking to enhance your marketing efforts with our link and QR code generation platform? Our sales team is ready to help you choose the right plan and features tailored to your needs.

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Facing technical issues or need help with setup? Our expert support team is here to assist with troubleshooting and ensuring your platform runs smoothly.

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Frequently asked questions

Have a different question and can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our support team by sending us an email and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

What is Link Generation and How Does It Work?
Link generation is the process of creating a unique, shortened URL that redirects to a specific destination. Our platform allows you to easily create custom links for any website, social media profile, or online content. Simply input the desired destination URL, customize your link, and generate it. The shortened link can then be shared across various platforms.
What is a QR Code and How Can I Use It?
A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that can store information. Our platform enables you to generate QR codes for your links. When scanned by a smartphone, the QR code will redirect the user to the linked content. This is useful for marketing campaigns, event registrations, product information, and more.
How Can I Generate a Mobile-Friendly Link?
Our platform automatically generates mobile-friendly links. When users access the link from a mobile device, they will be redirected to a mobile-optimized version of the destination content, if available. This ensures a seamless user experience across different devices.
Is It Free to Use Your Platform?
Yes, free forever with Explorer Plan with limitation. We offer many plans. To access advanced features or higher usage limits, you may need to upgrade to a paid plan.
How Secure is My Data on Your Platform?
We prioritize data security and privacy. We are keeping only necessary user data into encryption form. Your data is handled with the utmost care.
How Can I Contact Your Customer Support?
Our customer support team is available to assist you. You can reach us through email : We strive to provide timely and helpful support.